The Alchemy of Imperfection



“A profound evening to be part of. A continuum of a conscious global dialogue that educates, empowers and uplifts participants and speakers. I am honored to be part of such conversation and this much needed community and problem solving.”

Carré Otis, Women's Rights Activist, Author, Model, and Mom

"The Alchemy of Imperfection is exactly what the title proclaims. It examines the humans impacted by the hot-button issues of today, and gets granular in how we process the traumas into something useful.  The performers are actual survivors of the harmful actions of others and themselves. They let us observe the raw emotion behind their pain, and as we observe their transformation via their art, we are transformed as well."

Theo EJ Wilson, Host of History Channel series “I Was There” TEDx Speaker, CNN contributor 

"I am a rapper and activist from Afghanistan. I was almost sold into marriage twice, at age 10 and again at 16. I was able to use music as a tool to escape child marriage and receive a full scholarship to come to the U.S. “The Alchemy of Imperfection” is a program for college students who want to make positive change in the world, to leave their comfort zone and see beyond. It provides different lenses to look through to understand the causes of injustice in the world, most importantly in the lives of every woman. Through poetic theater, world music, dance, and discussion, this program will enable students to pave a path for themselves which can lead them towards a better tomorrow created by our own collective action."

Sonita Alizada, Afghan rapper and activist

